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Showing posts from February, 2012

News Groups

This term I have decided to have news groups, rather than whole class news sharing. I find that students standing in front of the class droning on and on can get a little tedious, plus I want some key students to develop new friends in the class. I still want one person from each group to report back to the class, but it might not necessarily be their news they report back on (thereby making it shorter and more concise). News groups it is. Up until now they have been quite free form. We have enough things going on, without locking down our news groups. Now I am getting ready to tidy up the routines and get things really nailed down. The first thing I have done is to decorate a tin can for each group. Getting crafty with the Modge Podge and wrapping paper has resulted in four tin cans (old tinned tomato cans collected by my students) ready to store the group necessities.  Cans look similar to this but without the pens etc.  While they were drying, I created a table to track ...