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Showing posts from 2016

Skip Counting Madness

I have absolutely loved exploring the collaborative teaching pedagogy so far this year. It has been a great challenge, and has got me thinking about my classroom in a different way. At the moment we are working from our old single cell classrooms, with students moving between each classroom for workshops and independent work (we have called the independent work 'stations', but I think it is sometimes referred to as 'tubs'). This means that we can give each classroom a learning focus, and students know what they are learning about before they decide to move to that classroom. We have started with Math, and this week the activities in my class have focused on increasing our skills in skip counting. There are a range of activities to reinforce skip counting skills at a range of levels- everything from skip counting in 2's, 5's and 10's with numbers to 1000 to introducing skip counting sequences in 3's and 9's (for some reason, the children wanted to l...