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Showing posts from June, 2013

Pattern Making

A while back we did a short unit on pattern making. I was absolutely blown away by some of the patterns that the students made, and just had to share them with you here! Color patterns with buttons (some children used them to make repeating patterns with size e.g. small/big/small/big) Number patterns with dice. Color patterns with Jovi's. Creative patterns with classroom equipment. Increasing patterns with unifix cubes. Unfortunately I can't find a photo, but one student made number patterns using playing cards as well. Love the affordability of these manipulatives!

Monster Mania

One of my Math groups is currently learning to join and separate sets. This has been a long and drawn out process for them, as it has been addressed in many formats over their schooling history. My challenge was to find equipment that would capture their interest and imaginations. I wanted them to be enthusiastic about Math! To want to do Math in their spare time! One student is a little girl who loves sparkly, fluffy things. You know the type, I bet you have one in your own class right now. During a standard trip to the dollar shop I found some awesome plastic crystals. I think that they are used as decorative centerpieces, and in vases etc. I snapped up two packets (in green and blue, that way they can be used for pattern activities later). The crystals became 'diamonds' and are stored with some pictures of pirate treasure boxes, and my students LOVE them! Especially if I use a pirate voice when making the questions! Since taking this photo, I found that these guys...