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Chinese/ Lunar New Year Toddler Play

Little Miss is 19 months old now and incredibly curious and full of action. During nap time today I assembled a few basic pieces for a Lunar New Year inspired play. She is slow to wake up from naps, but having the set up ready to go got her moving just a little bit faster!  Drawing on the colours of Lunar New Year (red and gold), we have a pom pom scooping activity for today. Little Miss loves scooping and transferring at the moment so this held her interest for quite a while! Red and gold are considered lucky. Red is the colour of happiness and good fortune, gold symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Today we have a large (battered) wooden bowl, filled with pom poms of various sizes (some glittery, some plain), wool felt balls and jingle bells all in shades of red and gold. I also added some clothes pegs (in red and yellow), bamboo toast tongs, small wooden cups, egg cups and bowls, and a small gold cup (possibly a shot pourer?). Most equipment was sourced from the op shop over time. ...
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Toddler Play- Pom Poms

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B2SS- Pens and Pencils

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Christmas Feels Part One

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Domino War

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